• NWEA MAP test

    Students take MAP 2-3 times a year for reading, language usages, science, and math

  • STAR Reading

    Students take STAR Reading test before enrolling and multiple times during the school year as needs or recommended by teachers

Strong progress monitoring

Pre-enrollment, fall, winter, and spring test.

  • Pre-enroll testing

    Prospective students will take STAR reading or MAP screening test for admission and the placement purpose.

  • Fall testing

    Students will take MAP Growth tests. The subjects include


    Language usage ( starting second grade)

    Science( starting third grade)


  • Winter testing

    An extra MAP test will give to students under the below situations:

    Students who fall behind expectation chart based on teachers' recommendations and their first MAP score

    Students who are newly enrolled in the program

  • Spring testing

    Students will take MAP Growth tests. The subjects include


    Language usage ( starting second grade)

    Science( starting third grade)
